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The Arts and Culture Alliance of Manistee County is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that depends upon the financial gifts of people in our community.
Your tax deductible gift will help us to encourage arts, culture and educational activities in Manistee County Michigan and surrounding areas. To sponsor cooperative planning, research, fund raising and public education programs and to undertake programs necessary to appreciation of art, culture and humanities by everyone.
Your donation will help continue our mission in Manistee County.
Accepting Donations For
Thank you for your support!

You may also mail your donation to:
Arts and Culture Alliance of Manistee County
c/o Linda Cudney
19708 Cadillac Highway
Copemish MI 49625

Sculpture Project
James Earl Jones / Donald Crouch
ACA's sculpture project honoring mentorships.
With this project we ask you to help us honor not one, but two of our own!
We are hoping for individual support, corporate interest, and grants to
create this sculpture that will honor how Mentoring by Mr. Crouch allowed JEJ to find his famous Voice.
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